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12月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

BR 3-6 The Truth Machine

"Success!" cried Professor Verity. "My new invention is ready. It is now complete. I shall call it The Truth Machine." (p.3)       One day, a prpfessor, Verity invented The Truth Machine and he phoned a newspaper office. Then he was on radio and on the television too. All over the world, newspapers and magazines wrote about him and he became a famous inventor. Many people wrote to him and he chose three people of them. They were Mrs. Seeker, Inspector Sack and Dr Simple. Of them, the first visitor was Mrs. Seeker. She wanted to check if her husband had another woman. She wanted the truth from her husband. Next visitor was Sack. He was a policeman and he wanted to get to know the truth about some criminals. In other words, he wasnted to know wether criminals really comitted crimes or not. Last visitor was Dr Simple. He is a spy to fight for peace and he found an enemy spy, but he didn't tell the truth. The Doctor wanted to get to know the truth wether the en