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10月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

BR 02 So Cute!

“Do we all think the same things are cute? Yes, mostly we do.  People often say ”cute!” to a lot of things around us such as small animals, babies learning to walk, and even old people. How often do you hear and say the word? What commons are there in what we say “that's cute!”?  In this book, an author states these things. When I think of situations I say “That's cute!” in my daily life, it's when I see young children smling, trying to walk hardly and small animals just stay there. However, in this book, there are other situations and things we say the word “cute” and they have clear commons!!!!!!!! Given these commons, feeling is so interesting and I realized that our life are full of cute. This book is Cambridge Discovery Education series, level A1. I want you to read this book and get to know the “commons”!!  Kenna Bourke, So cute